

“Morella,” a short novel of 1835, is part of the series "Tales of Terror” that was written in a time period dominated by positivism. Many decades before the advent of psychoanalysis, Poe explores the human mind with wisdom and intuition, demonstrating that fear is not only a product of external factors but can also derive from an interior state. The protagonist, who is also the narrator, marries a woman whose surname is Morella. He involves her in his studies, ranging from philosophy to the occult. Morella’s dark side profoundly upsets her husband and causes his love for her to change to hate. Right before she dies, Morella gives birth to a daughter and she predicts a bleak future for her a husband.

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  • Media:

    Instant Downloadable mp3 Audiobook - 320k HQ Sound

  • Genre:

    Mystery & Thriller

  • Serie:

    On Stage Performance (multiple actors)

  • Length:


  • Direction:

    Dario Penne, Dario Picciau

  • Starring:

    Dante Biagioni (Narrator), Aurora Cancian (Morella), Bruno Alessandro (Priest), Perla Liberatori (Daughter).
    Translation and Adaptation by Bruno Alessandro

  • Prod. Dir.:

    Matteo Cerutti

  • Snd Design:

    Andrea Bolchi

  • Sound Mix:

    Studio Bolchi

  • Dir. Ass.:

    Libero Stelluti

  • Voice rec.:

    CTA Digilab


  • 1.Morella

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Audiobook cover (printable)

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  • Published: 06 September 2009
  • ISBN: 9788864610122