The Canti by Giacomo Leopardi are one of the most relevant works of poetry. If the search for the sublime makes a classic out of Leopardi, his angst, the tedium of life and inner struggle, exasperated, between nature and consciousnessmake him a romantic. The collection was published in Florence in 1831 (23 texts), in Naples in 1835 (39 texts) and again in Florence in 1845, posthumous (41 texts, final edition). The Canti partially follow the chronological order of composition.This order is intersected by the division into genres and themes, enhancing the autonomy and completeness of each composition, balanced within the structure of the syllogism, composed in the following way: Canzoni, Idylli, Canti pisano-recanatesi, Ciclo di Aspasia, Canzoni sepolcrali, and Ultimi canti.